High Speed X-Ray Imaging of Dry Powder Inhaler

High speed phase contrast X-Ray imaging, carried out by Prior PLM Medical on behalf of H&T Presspart, has been published in an article in a recent edition of the magazine“ON drug Delivery” [1]. The article discusses the PowdAirPlusTM dry powder inhaler which H&T Presspart have developed in partnership with Hovione Technology. This device is an easy-to-use and affordable capsule-based device for emerging markets.
The X-Ray imaging, carried out at a synchrotron facility, investigated the capsule pierce event in the device and the subsequent dose release. An interesting phenomenon is the vortex generated within the capsule itself which is thought to aid the dispersal and de-agglomeration of the drug from the carrier powder. A sequence of high speed X-Ray images of the powder dispersion dynamics inside the capsule during inhalation is shown in the figure above (from [1]).
The article is available here and x-ray video footage can be viewed here
[1] “A Simple Affordable DPI: Meeting The Needs Of Emerging Markets”, ON drug Delivery , issue 80, pages 10-14”.